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15. Girl. Enjoying life. Big fan of fantasy. Grateful for friends and family.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Ouch! @.@

Disease are spread through anywhere anytime. That's why THEY invented injections. A syringe with the prevention vaccine is poke into our arm. When I was a small kid, i hated injections! I always cry when the needle poke into my arm. Hey, it hurts a lot! Last year, i got a very rare disease, Hand Foot Mouth disease. Trust me when I say you is bestbif you don't know what is it. Its terrible! One night, my hands were itching! So my parents took me to the hospital. They wanted my blood to test if there were any other disease. And so..... it happens. I cried. Ya... that was my biggest secret from that day onward. Last Friday, my dad wanted to take me for the HPV injection. I was really shocked and terrified when i heard it. I kept on telling myself. Its just for a few seconds, just a needle poking in the arm... .... ... 

Finally... the day came... the day where the needle poke into my left arm. The day was yesterday. XD I waited for about 1 hour. Then suddenly, "Lee Zhao Yi".  " OH SHIT! " I went in the consultation room where Doctor Ronnie was sitting. My knees wobbled. It took a while for the nurse to get ready the syringe and the vaccine. Then doctor applied alcohol on my left arm. I couldn't control myself from looking at the syringe. Then when the syringe poked into my arm i looked away closing my eyes. Tsssss.........ah........ " Done " Wait. Its done??? AWESOME I..... nevermind. Thank God that was over. But unfortunately, that was only the FIRST dose, there were 3 dose. And i need to take it for 2 more months. :/ And plus the Rubella. 

I'll never understand science and their " pain " 

First Experience! :)

I attended a few weddings before but last Saturday was the "last wedding" i attended for my father's cousins because the youngest sister, I call her Ting Gu Gu, she finally got married! yay! -.-... Now this actually spiced up my holiday. I was requested to be one of the bride's 'ji mui'. Its like the bride's sister. ^^ All of our theme is white/creamy... Because of this, my mum bought me dresses and accessories... But i ended up wearing the last-minute-dress we bought JUST before the wedding day! ^^

As you all know, traditionally, the bride's sisters (not biological sisters) get to have "fun" with the bridegroom's "brother". Well, not at all "fun" for them as we planned all the challenges for them before they could get to the bride (of course it wldn't be that easy to get our beloved Kuku). They had to "bribe" us with ang pows and we were not that easy to please at all. All these were done with proper and careful planning by 2 of our elder cousins. It was really fun and enjoyable at the same time. 

Each of them were made to wear some funny looking head gears after they shouted loud enough at the gate before they could enter. Then the bridegroom got to wear a gold belly dancer dress and shaked himself till we were satisfied. It was so hilarious!! The final part was the best of all when they found out that the bride waited was our dear male cousin who was dressed like an old maid and he grabbed and kissed the bridegroom.

Well, after all the "hard works", the "sisters" got around RM60.00 each from the "collections", not bad huh....... I really enjoyed being a "ji mui" first time and hope there are many more to come.  This is something each couple got to go thru so that they have such sweet memories to cherish when they are old.  And i guess the next generation is us, me and my cousins. :)