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15. Girl. Enjoying life. Big fan of fantasy. Grateful for friends and family.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Leadership Training Camp 2013 DAY 5

Sorry for the late post. I was having exams last week. And I'm having drama rehearsal right now. You now have a hint of my next blog ;)
The speakers were playing Daylight as I wake from my sleep. How ironic. I lay in my sleeping bag and enjoyed the music as it played Heart Attack. We get to sleep in that day.

After our breakfast and our last morning exercise. We had to pack our bags and put it in the hall, ready for departure. Then we had to clean up our dirty-with-sand-and-dirt dorm.

Kheng Yue brought the broomstick and we took turns sweeping. Sabrina and I threw unessacary rubbish and items. We put our sleeping bags to a side.

Chin Tong, Angela and I were chilling by the balcony with Call Me Maybe playing. The hall was just opposite of the teacher's dorm. When we were singing Call Me Maybe, Teacher Ben walked past and we sang the song. It was a funny scene.

We had our early lunch so we can get ready to leave. I got my phone back and in 5 days time, I finally heard my mum and dad. Apparently, they managed to reach me and I answer but I can't hear them clearly. It was a relief.

Farewell Gopeng Resort
We had our last "briefing". All the groups had to perform their battle cry (great) how embarrassing. But I admit, I enjoyed it. It IS the last performance as a group. Then there was prize giving for best male and female player and best group. Sadly, my group didn't win. But I was proud of us.

The trucks arrived. Our last truck ride. We did our boom boom on the truck. It was sad and disappointing saying goodbye to the facilitators. I was looking forward to go back home but really sad at the same time. A mix of emotions.

First air-con breeze in 5 days
The bus arrived and we got onto the bus, it was heart-breaking, it seemed that we just went there yesterday. And leaving the next day.

Most of us slept in the bus, we were all tired out and just wanted to rest. I managed to close my eyes for one good hour, when i woke up, we were already an hour away from school. So fast.

Due to the traffic conditions. We arrived at school at 7. It was sad to have a sight of our school, we had fun on the bus and we camwhored a lot.

I returned to my lovely, warm home. My mum welcomed me back and I got licked by my dog. It was good coming back but I'm gonna miss Gopeng.


Til now, I still miss camp. Me and my friends will bring back the memories in class and we'll laugh about it. I learned a lot during camp and had loads of fun. I'll be honest, thinking back, I miss summit climb, the fresh air, the river, the rain, the truck, cave, waterfall. I even make lots of new friends. Wenxiu and I are now really close, we still talk to each other and tease each other. Leadership Training Camp is the highlight event of 2013 so far.

End of story

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