So, my friends had been talking about this "nigahiga" dude on youtube. He has like over 100 videos on youtube, and for those people who is TOOOO outdated,
HAHAHAHA you gotta watch that video so you can get what I said, so... here is the video...-------->
You should checkout some of his other videos too. Like The iNavigator, Movies in minutes, Off The Pill, The Snuggo, The Awkward Moment When... and much more! I actually subscribe to him. Do not worry, this is just a video of Ryan Higa *21 years old*. He is SUPER funny believe me.
So, since it is the Holidays. I don't want to stay at home and play with my iPad, it's boring! See,even the technology this days can't keep me entertain for the whole day. We must get out and walk around with friends or family :) So I decide to go out for movies with my friends. They are lots of interesting movies now. Dark Shadows, Men In Black 3 etc... So far.... lemme check my fb... oh yay! Only Zhiying is going! -.-... sarcasm. So i'm at home, writing my blog, listening to The Wanted Chasing The Sun. A really good band. But Maroon 5 is better ^^ Currently I'm obsess with two wonderful things, nothing can beat em'. That is Lord of the Rings trilogy and Maroon 5. Although I'm more of obsess with Legolas than the movie.... nah. I'm obsess with the movie. Believe it a not, I'm reading the book. You might be thinking, it's impossible for her to read LOTR book! I mean it's 1000++ page long! And to all of you guys out there who think that, I'll tell you thdat I'm on page 258 :) and the words are small 8)
So I'm coming to the end. Don't worry. Tomorrow's one is gonna be long. :) ciao~!