Yesterday, before the physics class... Our class had a " private meeting" sounds wrong but nvm! A few bunch of boys stood up and suggested that we complain to our principal about our physics Teacher, Teacher LC.
No offence but his teaching suck! Luckily, a new assistant teacher name Cher Mei Ping, was there to explain to us what we dun understand. There's a big gap between cher LC and cher Mei Ping's teaching.
Cher Mei Ping will brighten up our mind in the darkness. Her teaching was so understandable and interesting and easy to understand :)
While teacher LC, no matter how much times he explain, all of us were like : What?!
So get back to the topic. So the bunch of boys ask the class if they agree. A lot of us say yes but a few girls say no. They say it will be very disrespect to teacher LC...... Then the one supporting the boys explain to them....
For me, I actually and WILL support them. Cuz if we dun complain any much longer, he will affect our studies and our brain to physics like.... A big Question Mark!
And, he will sooner or later affect the other class and the other forms. Or he will also affect the next year form 1's student. You dun wan your smaller siblings to fail their exams right?
But on the other hand, if we really complain. We will broke his teeny weeny SOFT heart. Cuz all along we're his favourite class , but his not our favourite teacher and maybe our most dislike teacher... He might be thinking: This is the class that complain bout me?! But their my favourite.....
Their so many buts..... But i think we should do it. To let him improve